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A Series On The Alice Guo Pogo Controversy

Alice Guo Saga Exposes Philippine Agencies and Electoral Systems Potential Flaws

A Series on the Alice Guo-POGO Controversy

Part 4: Congressional Investigation Shifts Focus

The latest episode of the POGOTalk podcast, part of a series analyzing the Alice Guo-POGO controversy, highlights the congressional investigation into the matter. This shift in focus indicates that the investigation is now seen as more significant than the pushback strategy employed by some Philippine agencies.

The controversy revolves around Alice Guo, a Chinese national who allegedly interfered in the 2016 Philippine presidential elections through her involvement with Philippine Offshore Gaming Operators (POGOs).

The podcast underscores that Guo and POGOs are only part of a larger issue of potential malign influence from external actors on the Philippines' electoral systems. The congressional investigation aims to uncover the extent of this influence and identify measures to mitigate it.

Potential Flaws in Philippine Electoral Systems

The Alice Guo-POGO controversy has brought to light potential flaws in the Philippine electoral systems that need to be addressed:

  • Foreign interference: The alleged involvement of foreign nationals in the electoral process raises concerns about the integrity of the electoral systems.
  • Lack of regulation: The POGO industry operates in a largely unregulated environment, creating opportunities for potential abuse.
  • Limited transparency: The lack of transparency in campaign financing and political activities makes it difficult to detect and prevent foreign influence.

To ensure the integrity of the electoral systems, it is essential to address these flaws by implementing regulations, promoting transparency, and strengthening measures to counter foreign interference.


The ongoing congressional investigation into the Alice Guo-POGO controversy highlights the need to address potential vulnerabilities in the Philippine electoral systems. By shedding light on the issue of foreign influence, the investigation aims to identify and mitigate risks to the integrity of the electoral process.
